Magic City Pinball League
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Magic City Pinball League Summer 2019
Player vs. Player Stats

Machine Stats

(showing lifetime stats - click for season stats)

  Allen Rash David Wurst Josh Karg Robbie Howerton

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 2,783,000
 Avg: 10,096,440 (9 plays)
High: 30,592,000

No Plays

AC/DC pro

 Low: 10,105,000
 Avg: 18,756,000 (2 plays)
High: 27,407,000

No Plays

 Low: 5,356,000
 Avg: 15,600,500 (8 plays)
High: 39,864,000

No Plays

ACDC Premium

 Low: 12,563,000
 Avg: 23,007,330 (3 plays)
High: 30,223,000

 Low: 6,453,000
 Avg: 12,728,000 (3 plays)
High: 16,155,000

 Low: 5,611,000
 Avg: 30,944,760 (30 plays)
High: 180,303,000

 Low: 5,324,000
 Avg: 30,184,670 (6 plays)
High: 83,094,000


 Low: 3,398,000
 Avg: 29,006,330 (9 plays)
High: 86,128,000

 Low: 14,526,000
 Avg: 14,526,000 (1 play)
High: 14,526,000

 Low: 4,534,000
 Avg: 48,600,400 (10 plays)
High: 157,241,000

 Low: 9,592,000
 Avg: 41,421,800 (5 plays)
High: 112,681,000

Apollo 13

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 297,624,000
 Avg: 454,515,500 (2 plays)
High: 611,407,000

No Plays


No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 20,120
 Avg: 33,010 (4 plays)
High: 49,730

 Low: 25,230
 Avg: 25,230 (1 play)
High: 25,230

Attack From Mars

 Low: 162,284,000
 Avg: 425,685,500 (2 plays)
High: 689,087,000

 Low: 670,260,000
 Avg: 1,030,197,670 (3 plays)
High: 1,322,316,000

 Low: 217,859,000
 Avg: 2,342,750,400 (5 plays)
High: 6,299,255,000

 Low: 1,218,886,000
 Avg: 1,218,886,000 (1 play)
High: 1,218,886,000


 Low: 3,376,000
 Avg: 3,376,000 (1 play)
High: 3,376,000

 Low: 2,314,000
 Avg: 3,553,000 (3 plays)
High: 4,637,000

 Low: 2,235,000
 Avg: 9,467,220 (18 plays)
High: 32,094,000

 Low: 3,012,000
 Avg: 3,587,000 (3 plays)
High: 4,243,000


 Low: 96,270
 Avg: 136,080 (6 plays)
High: 170,260

 Low: 73,620
 Avg: 139,300 (5 plays)
High: 256,930

 Low: 49,240
 Avg: 154,720 (18 plays)
High: 308,940

 Low: 54,550
 Avg: 262,630 (6 plays)
High: 895,390

Batman 66

 Low: 24,614,000
 Avg: 72,866,670 (6 plays)
High: 148,239,000

 Low: 13,185,000
 Avg: 57,890,250 (4 plays)
High: 106,033,000

 Low: 25,717,000
 Avg: 137,581,290 (14 plays)
High: 369,464,000

 Low: 27,169,000
 Avg: 30,755,000 (2 plays)
High: 34,341,000

Batman The Dark Knight

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 4,414,000
 Avg: 24,588,400 (15 plays)
High: 79,993,000

No Plays


 Low: 734,210
 Avg: 1,547,820 (8 plays)
High: 2,693,070

 Low: 884,360
 Avg: 1,225,270 (5 plays)
High: 1,722,970

 Low: 743,000
 Avg: 1,387,630 (5 plays)
High: 2,439,670

 Low: 778,220
 Avg: 2,023,530 (15 plays)
High: 3,515,050


No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 5,122,000
 Avg: 25,112,500 (2 plays)
High: 45,103,000

 Low: 7,997,000
 Avg: 7,997,000 (1 play)
High: 7,997,000

BKSOR premium

 Low: 2,943,000
 Avg: 2,943,000 (1 play)
High: 2,943,000

 Low: 7,479,000
 Avg: 7,479,000 (1 play)
High: 7,479,000

 Low: 176,326,000
 Avg: 176,326,000 (1 play)
High: 176,326,000

 Low: 75,528,000
 Avg: 75,528,000 (1 play)
High: 75,528,000


 Low: 7,028,000
 Avg: 7,028,000 (1 play)
High: 7,028,000

 Low: 9,622,000
 Avg: 31,050,330 (3 plays)
High: 52,557,000

 Low: 4,702,000
 Avg: 19,885,000 (3 plays)
High: 35,068,000

 Low: 6,678,000
 Avg: 6,678,000 (1 play)
High: 6,678,000

Black Knight

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 34,910
 Avg: 212,400 (20 plays)
High: 575,510

No Plays

Central Park

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 367
 Avg: 505 (2 plays)
High: 643

No Plays

Close Encounters

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 83,150
 Avg: 91,540 (3 plays)
High: 105,490

No Plays


 Low: 322,351,000
 Avg: 322,351,000 (1 play)
High: 322,351,000

 Low: 5,835,000
 Avg: 37,118,500 (10 plays)
High: 128,750,000

 Low: 10,681,000
 Avg: 91,093,860 (7 plays)
High: 198,530,000

 Low: 18,234,000
 Avg: 67,184,000 (2 plays)
High: 116,134,000

Eight Ball

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 28,970
 Avg: 111,740 (29 plays)
High: 323,430

No Plays

Eight Ball Champ

No Plays

 Low: 382,050
 Avg: 382,050 (1 play)
High: 382,050

 Low: 85,090
 Avg: 155,220 (2 plays)
High: 225,340

No Plays

Eight Ball Deluxe

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 120,030
 Avg: 309,650 (5 plays)
High: 470,530

No Plays


No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 39,330
 Avg: 39,330 (1 play)
High: 39,330

No Plays

F14 Tomcat

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 710,610
 Avg: 2,592,940 (2 plays)
High: 4,475,270

No Plays

Family Guy

 Low: 4,275,000
 Avg: 7,027,000 (2 plays)
High: 9,779,000

No Plays

 Low: 3,507,000
 Avg: 25,328,600 (10 plays)
High: 67,867,000

No Plays

Flight 2000

 Low: 86,520
 Avg: 86,520 (1 play)
High: 86,520

No Plays

 Low: 149,780
 Avg: 256,580 (2 plays)
High: 363,380

No Plays

Game of Thrones

 Low: 333,193,000
 Avg: 333,193,000 (1 play)
High: 333,193,000

 Low: 30,753,000
 Avg: 240,925,670 (3 plays)
High: 545,480,000

 Low: 8,042,000
 Avg: 303,259,730 (11 plays)
High: 902,428,000

 Low: 8,282,000
 Avg: 103,704,330 (6 plays)
High: 210,144,000


 Low: 92,990
 Avg: 101,290 (2 plays)
High: 109,580

No Plays

 Low: 92,050
 Avg: 261,230 (17 plays)
High: 709,610

No Plays


No Plays

 Low: 32,063,000
 Avg: 32,063,000 (1 play)
High: 32,063,000

 Low: 4,034,000
 Avg: 73,239,630 (8 plays)
High: 364,266,000

 Low: 27,409,000
 Avg: 27,409,000 (1 play)
High: 27,409,000


No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 51,250
 Avg: 219,410 (6 plays)
High: 486,270

No Plays

Guardians LE

 Low: 52,988,000
 Avg: 65,494,000 (2 plays)
High: 78,000,000

 Low: 9,301,000
 Avg: 20,041,250 (4 plays)
High: 43,733,000

 Low: 5,165,000
 Avg: 151,639,500 (4 plays)
High: 465,500,000

 Low: 17,000,000
 Avg: 69,482,000 (4 plays)
High: 119,686,000

Guardians of the Galaxy

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 6,022,000
 Avg: 11,844,330 (3 plays)
High: 15,970,000

No Plays

Iron Maiden Premium

 Low: 11,152,000
 Avg: 13,934,500 (2 plays)
High: 16,717,000

 Low: 16,454,000
 Avg: 36,042,500 (2 plays)
High: 55,631,000

 Low: 98,330,000
 Avg: 249,174,800 (5 plays)
High: 395,885,000

 Low: 5,658,000
 Avg: 55,583,670 (6 plays)
High: 169,398,000

Iron Maiden Pro

No Plays

 Low: 13,419,000
 Avg: 13,419,000 (1 play)
High: 13,419,000

 Low: 9,640,000
 Avg: 72,539,500 (8 plays)
High: 137,553,000

 Low: 8,317,000
 Avg: 8,342,500 (2 plays)
High: 8,368,000

Iron Man

 Low: 1,353,000
 Avg: 6,705,000 (3 plays)
High: 10,064,000

No Plays

 Low: 3,017,000
 Avg: 15,153,200 (10 plays)
High: 39,084,000

No Plays

Jet Spin

 Low: 14,170
 Avg: 41,540 (2 plays)
High: 68,910

No Plays

 Low: 13,140
 Avg: 44,750 (8 plays)
High: 76,850

No Plays

Jurassic Park pro

No Plays

 Low: 15,020,000
 Avg: 46,258,000 (3 plays)
High: 75,962,000

 Low: 22,402,000
 Avg: 127,897,000 (3 plays)
High: 196,826,000

 Low: 30,626,000
 Avg: 68,436,000 (4 plays)
High: 91,674,000


 Low: 4,193,000
 Avg: 4,193,000 (1 play)
High: 4,193,000

No Plays

 Low: 6,206,000
 Avg: 27,365,300 (10 plays)
High: 59,400,000

No Plays

Lethal Weapon 3

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 49,022,000
 Avg: 74,096,330 (3 plays)
High: 87,534,000

No Plays

Lost World

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 190,830
 Avg: 295,670 (2 plays)
High: 400,510

No Plays

Mata Hari

 Low: 18,880
 Avg: 18,880 (1 play)
High: 18,880

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

Medieval Madness

 Low: 3,960,000
 Avg: 18,128,880 (8 plays)
High: 52,888,000

 Low: 6,930,000
 Avg: 9,052,670 (3 plays)
High: 11,401,000

 Low: 3,744,000
 Avg: 24,593,670 (12 plays)
High: 41,964,000

 Low: 9,371,000
 Avg: 19,567,570 (7 plays)
High: 41,579,000


 Low: 3,505,000
 Avg: 15,934,500 (6 plays)
High: 51,788,000

 Low: 5,320,000
 Avg: 5,320,000 (1 play)
High: 5,320,000

 Low: 2,626,000
 Avg: 20,240,000 (31 plays)
High: 77,077,000

No Plays


No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 5,047,000
 Avg: 7,482,250 (4 plays)
High: 10,387,000

No Plays

Monster Bash

 Low: 8,205,000
 Avg: 30,922,800 (5 plays)
High: 111,696,000

 Low: 6,423,000
 Avg: 16,629,670 (3 plays)
High: 35,652,000

 Low: 3,777,000
 Avg: 16,166,750 (4 plays)
High: 28,244,000

 Low: 3,043,000
 Avg: 17,711,750 (8 plays)
High: 58,942,000

Mr. & Mrs. Pac-Man

 Low: 205,340
 Avg: 292,980 (3 plays)
High: 423,300

No Plays

 Low: 283,090
 Avg: 476,930 (2 plays)
High: 670,770

No Plays


No Plays

 Low: 12,398,000
 Avg: 18,100,500 (4 plays)
High: 29,394,000

 Low: 7,451,000
 Avg: 30,934,330 (3 plays)
High: 64,749,000

 Low: 52,965,000
 Avg: 52,965,000 (1 play)
High: 52,965,000

Munsters premium

 Low: 1,711,000
 Avg: 7,391,330 (3 plays)
High: 15,124,000

 Low: 1,242,000
 Avg: 4,604,000 (4 plays)
High: 6,599,000

 Low: 6,003,000
 Avg: 10,183,500 (4 plays)
High: 13,276,000

 Low: 1,273,000
 Avg: 2,658,000 (4 plays)
High: 4,002,000


 Low: 8,492,000
 Avg: 27,192,500 (2 plays)
High: 45,893,000

No Plays

 Low: 11,045,000
 Avg: 24,216,200 (5 plays)
High: 37,510,000

No Plays

No Fear

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 58,275,000
 Avg: 579,816,130 (15 plays)
High: 1,820,871,000

No Plays


 Low: 44,780
 Avg: 74,960 (3 plays)
High: 101,670

No Plays

 Low: 30,930
 Avg: 128,710 (32 plays)
High: 399,600

No Plays

Party Zone

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 6,279,000
 Avg: 15,038,330 (3 plays)
High: 26,818,000

No Plays

Ripley's Believe It or Not

 Low: 3,778,000
 Avg: 5,590,000 (2 plays)
High: 7,402,000

 Low: 2,334,000
 Avg: 5,922,330 (3 plays)
High: 9,662,000

 Low: 1,752,000
 Avg: 5,404,680 (19 plays)
High: 12,416,000

No Plays

Road Kings

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 333,540
 Avg: 333,540 (1 play)
High: 333,540

No Plays


 Low: 3,142,000
 Avg: 6,648,000 (2 plays)
High: 10,154,000

No Plays

 Low: 4,504,000
 Avg: 18,970,670 (9 plays)
High: 61,399,000

 Low: 45,520,000
 Avg: 45,520,000 (1 play)
High: 45,520,000

Silver Ball Mania

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 51,200
 Avg: 305,160 (16 plays)
High: 740,930

No Plays

Solar Ride

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 106,470
 Avg: 106,470 (1 play)
High: 106,470

No Plays


No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 309,110
 Avg: 1,390,300 (2 plays)
High: 2,471,480

No Plays

Spider Man

 Low: 5,004,000
 Avg: 22,752,130 (8 plays)
High: 78,205,000

 Low: 7,969,000
 Avg: 10,307,330 (3 plays)
High: 12,398,000

 Low: 16,863,000
 Avg: 41,510,080 (13 plays)
High: 104,251,000

 Low: 8,089,000
 Avg: 38,818,290 (7 plays)
High: 137,692,000

Star Trek the Next Generation

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 160,995,000
 Avg: 435,908,500 (4 plays)
High: 767,852,000

No Plays

Star Trek premium

No Plays

 Low: 3,309,000
 Avg: 21,354,330 (3 plays)
High: 33,050,000

 Low: 10,736,000
 Avg: 66,639,670 (3 plays)
High: 150,559,000

 Low: 9,408,000
 Avg: 18,404,330 (3 plays)
High: 29,638,000

Star Trek pro

 Low: 4,288,000
 Avg: 10,080,670 (3 plays)
High: 13,026,000

 Low: 8,089,000
 Avg: 12,904,000 (5 plays)
High: 15,190,000

 Low: 5,907,000
 Avg: 57,854,390 (13 plays)
High: 156,073,000

 Low: 7,118,000
 Avg: 7,118,000 (1 play)
High: 7,118,000

Star Trek(Bally)

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 54,990
 Avg: 244,020 (4 plays)
High: 669,150

No Plays

Star Wars LE

 Low: 164,755,000
 Avg: 164,755,000 (1 play)
High: 164,755,000

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 142,896,000
 Avg: 142,896,000 (1 play)
High: 142,896,000

Star Wars pro

 Low: 171,129,000
 Avg: 300,697,670 (3 plays)
High: 466,885,000

 Low: 87,121,000
 Avg: 109,168,500 (4 plays)
High: 145,536,000

 Low: 97,646,000
 Avg: 961,282,000 (7 plays)
High: 1,940,606,000

 Low: 69,270,000
 Avg: 159,260,670 (6 plays)
High: 312,631,000

Stranger Things

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 16,746,000
 Avg: 16,746,000 (1 play)
High: 16,746,000

Strikes and Spares

 Low: 28,660
 Avg: 171,860 (3 plays)
High: 417,240

No Plays

 Low: 75,520
 Avg: 75,520 (1 play)
High: 75,520

No Plays

Target Alpha

 Low: 65,480
 Avg: 65,480 (1 play)
High: 65,480

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 272,000
 Avg: 1,497,320 (5 plays)
High: 2,966,580

No Plays

The Avengers LE

 Low: 2,829,000
 Avg: 3,315,500 (2 plays)
High: 3,802,000

 Low: 3,770,000
 Avg: 3,770,000 (1 play)
High: 3,770,000

 Low: 13,284,000
 Avg: 13,284,000 (1 play)
High: 13,284,000

 Low: 1,314,000
 Avg: 3,826,000 (2 plays)
High: 6,338,000

The Avengers pro

 Low: 3,754,000
 Avg: 3,754,000 (1 play)
High: 3,754,000

 Low: 1,984,000
 Avg: 1,984,000 (1 play)
High: 1,984,000

 Low: 2,136,000
 Avg: 5,780,500 (8 plays)
High: 11,539,000

No Plays

The Rolling Stones

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 1,828,000
 Avg: 8,263,090 (11 plays)
High: 15,700,000

No Plays

The Simpsons Pinball Party

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 683,000
 Avg: 3,024,780 (9 plays)
High: 5,159,000

No Plays

The Walking Dead

 Low: 13,365,000
 Avg: 15,874,000 (2 plays)
High: 18,383,000

 Low: 39,078,000
 Avg: 69,260,250 (4 plays)
High: 94,967,000

 Low: 4,665,000
 Avg: 48,461,950 (19 plays)
High: 242,771,000

 Low: 51,700,000
 Avg: 64,093,000 (3 plays)
High: 84,313,000

Time Machine

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 364,290
 Avg: 403,560 (2 plays)
High: 442,830

No Plays


 Low: 3,094,000
 Avg: 7,344,500 (2 plays)
High: 11,595,000

 Low: 5,117,000
 Avg: 9,053,400 (5 plays)
High: 11,873,000

 Low: 2,399,000
 Avg: 9,563,670 (21 plays)
High: 25,427,000

 Low: 1,559,000
 Avg: 11,052,750 (4 plays)
High: 23,840,000


No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 27,320
 Avg: 100,500 (6 plays)
High: 198,910

No Plays


 Low: 3,144,000
 Avg: 8,858,400 (5 plays)
High: 17,561,000

No Plays

 Low: 1,839,000
 Avg: 10,001,100 (20 plays)
High: 29,328,000

No Plays

Wheel of Fortune

 Low: 10,523,000
 Avg: 13,356,500 (2 plays)
High: 16,190,000

 Low: 10,472,000
 Avg: 12,116,000 (2 plays)
High: 13,760,000

 Low: 2,508,000
 Avg: 16,681,120 (17 plays)
High: 64,947,000

No Plays


 Low: 34,510
 Avg: 47,170 (2 plays)
High: 59,830

 Low: 50,130
 Avg: 50,130 (1 play)
High: 50,130

 Low: 8,280
 Avg: 27,840 (12 plays)
High: 56,030

 Low: 43,610
 Avg: 49,490 (2 plays)
High: 55,360

Wizard of Oz

 Low: 9,601
 Avg: 39,640 (2 plays)
High: 69,676

 Low: 23,158
 Avg: 42,040 (5 plays)
High: 86,770

 Low: 87,032
 Avg: 141,700 (4 plays)
High: 260,533

 Low: 15,588
 Avg: 143,890 (2 plays)
High: 272,184

World Poker Tour

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 5,121,000
 Avg: 17,772,400 (20 plays)
High: 43,121,000

No Plays

WWE Wrestlemania

 Low: 12,483,000
 Avg: 12,539,000 (2 plays)
High: 12,595,000

 Low: 7,710,000
 Avg: 23,198,500 (2 plays)
High: 38,687,000

 Low: 5,832,000
 Avg: 38,810,000 (14 plays)
High: 133,921,000

 Low: 4,698,000
 Avg: 4,698,000 (1 play)
High: 4,698,000


 Low: 4,037,000
 Avg: 21,730,000 (2 plays)
High: 39,423,000

 Low: 6,292,000
 Avg: 19,198,250 (8 plays)
High: 34,001,000

 Low: 1,771,000
 Avg: 21,228,000 (22 plays)
High: 55,407,000

 Low: 11,977,000
 Avg: 19,075,670 (3 plays)
High: 32,117,000

Playoff Game Selection Rules